The Indispensable Role of Sales Rep for B2B Focused Companies

In today’s digital age, everything, from products and services to the information we seek, is easily available online. Unlike decades ago, when you needed a person, known as a sales representative, to explain the specifications of your potential purchase, you can now read these insights online without involving another person. But, when it comes to B2B market, the role of sales representative still matters.

Realising the Power of Research

As business owners, we know our business inside out and back to front. But sometimes we forget that we’re not the customer. Hours spent behind the desk, though we would never admit it, it can mean we’re out of touch with the customer – what they want, and how we can help them. That’s why research is so important.

#Hashtags aren’t the answer to increasing your Instagram engagement

Recent investigation by media monitoring company, Mention, has discovered that the act of hashtagging Instagram posts, does not actually increase engagement. But don’t freak out on us yet, because the same researched revealed that tagging other users in your posts will get those likes and comment numbers up!

5 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2018

As we gear up for 2018, it would be ill-advised not to turn our attention to the upcoming trends that will dominate the world of marketing over the next 12 months. We may not have a crystal ball, but we can confidently predict that these five trends will play a major role in 2018.

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